Sunday, August 14, 2011

Weight Loss Management: Lose Weight with Watermelon

It is known that many women in the summer trying to remove a kilogram of watermelon. Mono watermelon diet is very popular, but it is not entirely safe, especially for people with certain diseases of the stomach and intestines, and for diabetics is directly contraindicated. And is not it boring to just eat watermelon?
If you think a little more, we can combine the watermelon with some other products and still try to help her reduce weight. We offer you two recipes that will be useful for anyone who is on a diet.
And you might trigger to create your own recipe - now is the time.

Dinesh cocktail with kiwi
300 g melon
3 pcs. kiwi

Blend in a blender of watermelon flesh with ice and pour into a suitable container. Separately beat the flesh of the kiwi and watermelon add ice. If desired, decorate the glass.
Drink this cocktail between meals.

Dinesh cold soup
Products for 6 servings:
1 cup fresh lime juice (or lemon)
2 tablespoons liquid honey
5-6 medium tomatoes (peeled and cleaned seeds)
1 kg of flesh watermelon (seedless)
Salt, pepper, parsley for decoration.

1. Mix lime juice with honey and let stand for 2 hours in the icebox, stirring for 20-30 minutes - you will receive "laymov ice."
2. In blender combine watermelon and tomatoes, add salt and pepper to taste.
3. Just before serving mix in the spill bowls and add "laymov ice" and parsley leaves for decoration.

1 comment:

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