Here it is essentially a diet, which you can lose weight or to keep as their needs:
Breakfast: Seasonal fruit of choice (apple, orange, peach, etc., or a bowl of raspberries, strawberries, etc.). Or 2-3 tablespoons oatmeal / granola made with fresh / yogurt, fruit juice and toast or other bread with jam or a piece of cheese / cheese / turkey fillet. Drinks: You can drink tea, coffee, milk. Sweeten it with honey or stevia.
Lunch: soup bowl / tarator and / or salad - tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage and carrots, turnips, etc.., Seasoned with olive oil and vinegar and / or principal - chicken or other fatty meat - roasted or vareno/100 g cheese cottage cheese, tofu and eggs dr./1-2 - boiled or scrambled / 1 small serving of healthy home cooked food and / or 1 toast bread
Dinner: the same rules as for lunch.
Basic principles:
* Drink plenty of water and liquids. The minimum is 1.5 liter possible divide them evenly throughout the day. Well before breakfast is a glass of water to activate your metabolism.
Eat when hungry, not starving and do not overeat.
* Do not eat when you are nervous, angry, upset, because it threatens to swallow large amounts of food.
* Diet for good shape and feel a sudden hunger confidence if eat 50 g nuts (they are delicious, useful and sate) or fruit. Drink water / tea with lemon.
* Fruit is not eat for dessert, but before other foods can be absorbed by the body.
* Vegetable salads are more easily digested and beneficial when seasoned with fat.
* Whenever you rely on yourself for cooking, choose quality and useful products.
* Vary your meals with different spices. This will use less salt.
Avoid white sugar, fried, too salty.
* Do not disable anything - a chocolate, a piece of dark chocolate and more. occasionally improve mood and increase metabolism. It is important not to make in life.
* Do not Take your drag and too often - once a week is enough. Have patience! Good things happen slowly, but in contrast, are long!
* Have fun, read, dance, sing, shop, enjoy life! The meaning of everything is to be happy!
* Believe in yourself and in your will and powers!
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