Let's suppose that you periodically diet, achieve ideal weight, but rather old and again I caught up with it - with amazing speed. From time to time go to the gym, on every Monday starting any exercise, but due to lack of quick results and discard everything again reaching for your favorite candy bar.
Then he promised: "I'll eat three days, then I will give up everything." As a result, you suffer from constant changes in weight, guilt complexes and lack of mood.
If you realized it was time to change the situation, prepare for a lengthy process to change the figure. Will be difficult, but you will be rewarded!
Start by reviewing your diet. Here are some rules that will help you get the desired shape without damage to the health and mood.
1. Mandatory before each meal (20-30 minutes) drink a glass of water. In addition it will reduce your sense of hunger, you will help your stomach with digestion. This is especially useful when done in the morning. Water should be slightly warmed.
2. Do not skip breakfast, lunch and dinner. If you miss any of the meals you without you during the next will take a lot of food. If possible, try to eat at the same time.
3. Your food should be delicious and useful. If your favorite products do not comply with this rule, let one of them no more than one tenth of the total amount of food they eat for a day.
4. Everyone knows that it is better to eat often but less. This does not mean that every 10 minutes you can eat in a little chocolate. Always have some kind of fruit or vegetable.
5. If your life is unthinkable without the sweet, sweet wafers and replace with dried fruits and nuts.
6. It is recommended that your lunch include soup or vegetable soup. Dinner must be lightweight in terms of quality and in terms of quantity. Nothing pastry, sweet and oily. And if you plan to spend the night dancing or "counting sheep" do not eat after 19-20 hours.
7. Pay attention to the contents of the products you use. Aim for low calorie and low carbohydrate content.
8. Do not forget to exercise. Instead of eating something in front of TV, start out with gymnastics. And the most basic exercises will be beneficial. It would be good, regularly swim or dance. If you do not have such an opportunity, try every day to do small walks, returning from work go 1-2 stops away and do not use elevators.
9. Glory and praise be to pursue policies. Pamper yourself with not another piece of cake, and a new nail polish, for example. Imagine that you are slim and beautiful and ... will be.
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