Heat set their own rules of life. And to not suffer when it's hot, you should know these rules. In the heat nutritionists recommend a change in menu.
Eat less red meat and sweets, focusing on water and vegetables and will adapt more easily to the summer heat, causing serious discomfort.
First rule is to not overload your stomach. Heat provoked to reach out to the refrigerator because it is filled with delicious ice things.
Just that you should not do. Large amount of food requires a large amount of energy absorption by the body. Instead of using energy for vital processes, the body wears out in January to digest.
Overeating leads to overloading of the digestive tract and disrupts his work, and it elepva excess food in the form of fat on the hips.
Leaving the table before you experienced the ultimate feeling of satiety. Second rule is to relieve your menu. It must be balanced during the heat.
Around fifteen per cent of food during the heat must consist of 14 percent protein - they contain chicken, fish, dairy products. Furthermore, there must be fat - about 12 percent.
The rest are carbohydrates, but try to replace rapidly absorbed carbohydrates such as cakes and dough difficulty digesting - cereals, fruits and vegetables that create longer feeling of satiety.
In the heat prejudice acid-base balance of the body in favor of "acid" side. Therefore, the body needed dairy products and plant foods to neutralize harmful acids.
In the heat drink plenty of water - twice more than it gets in cold weather. Water is especially relevant for physical exercise when one is sweating and need to restore lost moisture.
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