The aim of the diet not only reduce weight but also change the body's metabolic processes, since the end of the diet weight hold, we reached the end of the diet. If you break the diet does not receive the desired result.
Why this diet is very good?
• its duration is 90 days and at that time could diminish 18 to 25 kg.
• the amount you can eat normally, but you should know that the ideal results in less amount of food.
• diet is not hard to withstand, it is only after the combination between food and the right to substitute days.
People with high blood pressure several weeks after starting the diet stop lekrstva used for high blood pressure.
If your weight parvita 10 days did not fall, do not give up under any circumstances and not lose faith and volya.Prodalzhavayte the end of the diet as possible at one time to download at once 5 kg.
The diet lasts 90 days and only 90 days. After completing a required 90 days holiday. After this rest, you can repeat again.
Breakfast is mandatory only fruit (in the 90 day diet and also during the 90 day rest period), because their body draws fruit sugar necessary for the nervous system!
The body is covered system that requires regulated and harmonious way of eating. Studies have shown that human metabolism has 3 cycles:
• 4.00 to 12.00 - cleaning cycle of the organism
• 12.00 to 20.00 - a cycle of eating
• 20.00 to 4.00 - digestive cycle
CLEANING CYCLE of the body (4:00 to 12:00)
During this cycle consumes a minimum amount of food (optional fruits) and drink more water, tea or low calorie diet napitki.Po time is breakfast with fruits!
CYCLE OF FOODS (12:00 to 20:00)
During this cycle, eat unlimited. This is not important how much you will eat and how you eat, it is imperative to keep the time between meals.
In protein day between meals should be 4 hours. On the day of beans and pulses, and carbohydrate in the day - 2 hours.
During the day the fruit should be eating more fruit, but you should know that one type of fruit is considered a meal. Between meals can have 1 to 2 hours.
Digestive CYCLE (20:00 to 4:00)
During this cycle is digested and absorbed food, so it should not eat anything. If you can not pass and are very hungry, take a piece of fruit or a glass of water, maybe tea without sugar.
These days are the most important element of diet. Compliance with the order in which to eat, and the right combination of foods will lead to excellent results.
Diet consists of four days and regular meals a day (water) every 29th day. This diet starts with a protein day continues with legumes day, carbohydrate and ending with fruit.
This cycle is repeated until the 29th day, when I drink only water.
Which foods belong to proteins
Meat, cheese, eggs, DAIRY PRODUCTS, spinach, turnips, soybeans and soy products, cabbage, tomatoes, beetroot, cauliflower ...
Proteins are large molecules composed of amino acids. Amino acids contained in foods of plant and animal origin. 8 amino acids our body can not produce them and therefore we must polchavame of the food we eat. Protein needed to maintain growth, as they actually built is our body (hair, nails, muscles, etc.). Are also needed for many other important processes in the body.
FOOD: For breakfast, eat only one type of fruit (2 apples, 2 oranges, 2 peaches, 2 mandarins, 2 pears, watermelon, melon, a bowl of strawberries, raspberries, etc.).
It is very important to know: Never mix of different types FRUIT.
Lunch: For lunch, eat protein. Examples:
1. Two grilled steak (pork, chicken, beef). You can fish or marine animals (squid, mussels, crabs, etc.).. To this add a slice of bread and vegetables (steamed, can carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, peppers, etc.. Or unlimited salad - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, maybe Shoppe). It is desirable not to mix protein foods (meat, eggs, meat and dairy products, eggs and dairy products) or at least not in large quantities when certain dish requires combination of them in sauces, breading, etc..
In the salad, do not put beans, corn or peas, as these products fall into pulses consumed during the second day.
2. 2-3 large pieces of cheese (breaded may) slice of bread, salad, water.
3. 2-3 yoghurts, bread, salad, water.
4. 2-3 eggs boiled, poached or scrambled with some cheese, salad or steamed vegetables, bread, water.
Finally, after each meal, drink a broth of different soups (vegetable, mushroom, chicken, etc..), But no noodles, etc.. pasties there.
Dinner: For dinner eat what was for lunch, but only half the required amount. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
DAY 2-legumes and pulses:
Which products fall into this category:
Rice, beans, green beans, peas, soybeans, corn, lentils, potatoes ...
Breakfast: fruit. Do not mix fruits!
Lunch: For lunch eat pulses. Examples:
1. Cooked beans without meat + all kinds of vegetables, bread and unlimited salad.
2. Stew of potatoes or baked in the oven with spices, bread and vegetables (unlimited).
3. Stew of rice, maybe a boiled spices, salad, bread, water.
4. Peas or lentils (no eggs or more. Protein) with spices, salad, bread and water.
DINNER: eat only half of what was for lunch.
IMPORTANT: rice, potatoes, beans, peas and lentils put salt and all spices to taste. Spices should be used as needed for the body.
DAY 3-carb
Which products fall under the carbohydrate: sugar, pastry and pasta, pizza, CAKES ...
Carbohydrates are a source of energy for the body, improve mental work and stabilize central nervous system. If you consume more carbohydrates than your body can process glucose and glycogen, they accumulate in fatty deposits. Divide to: monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides.
Since carbohydrates are the most guilty about our weight, that day is necessary to adhere strictly to choose the right combination of carbohydrate.
In our diet includes carbohydrate following:
Pizza with vegetables or fruit (NO ALBUMINOIDAL), spaghetti with tomato sauce, ketchup or sauce of mushrooms. In sauces not put meat or other. ALBUMINOIDAL. Can be consumed and cakes ALSO AS and salty pastries, and also ice cream.
1. Pizza with vegetables and spices (maybe fruit), water
2. Salt cake the size of pizza, water
3. Spaghetti with vegetable sauce, ketchup or mushroom sauce without meat.
CAKES! Small amount.
1. Two pieces of cake as desired.
2. 3-4 pieces of cake.
3. 3 balls of ice cream.
At the end 1-2 is mandatory pieces of chocolate!
Breakfast: fruit. Do not mix fruits!
Fruits are rich in vitamins and energy, so you will feel much better and will also prevent many infectious diseases. Very soon the fruit day will become your favorite day in the daily cycle.
To this day also the rule not to mix the fruits at one meal! For breakfast, a kind of fruit for lunch - another kind of dinner - the third kind.
You can konsumirati all kinds of fresh fruits, dry fruits, which are recommended to be pre-soaked in a little water to make them more digestible. It is desirable to have saccharified. Allowed the consumption of compost prepared with less sugar, fruit juices. That day is allowed, if not only withstand the fruit to eat nuts and seeds, but in limited quantity - 25-30 grams, such as nuts and seeds are salted caramel.
This day is the following fruits day, every 29th day from the beginning of the diet. ACTUALLY WILL HAVE 3 DAYS WATER Throughout the diet-90 days. WATER day is the worst, but its positive effect will FEEL AT LEAST TWO WEEKS. DAY AFTER WATER you can lose 1.5 to 2 kg.
1. Must strictly follow the sequence of days-whipped day, day of pulses, fruit carbohydrate day and day.
2. Before starting your diet measure blood pressure at least once a month check it.
3. Diet is excellent for people with high blood pressure, but if you are taking tablets for high blood pressure, do not stop without the advice of your GP.
4. For cooking use mainly olive oil and spices.
5. Follow the hours between meals. If at a certain time very hungry, eat a fruit or drink a glass of water or fruit juice.
6. When you drink fresh fruit juice, you know that it replaces one meal.
7. It is absolutely forbidden to drink carbonated drinks and alcohol.
8. Coffee and tea to drink without sugar.
9. During meals drink water or tea because irritation hranosmilatelnate juices and thus obstruct CORRECTLY digestion of food. Drink water or tea a half hour after eating.
10. Never drink milk between meals, because it is considered a self-feeding.
11. Be careful not to drink large amounts of salt.
12. During the diet to make sure more are on the move, because movement is healthy.
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