Weight gain is much easier than losing weight. Once we have gained, how to get rid of them? Here are some tips:
1. Consult your doctor
If you are overweight, make an appointment with your doctor. Talk openly about the problems you have and the bad habits that are likely to lead to overweight. He knows what diseases you have and can discuss their concerns regarding health and the risks associated with being overweight.
2. Set realistic goals
Realize that weight does not increase overnight, and the same applies to the reduction of weight. Do not look seriously at another fad diets or diet pills, which the ads "melt fat". If it sounds too good to be true, maybe it really is. The only thing that melted most of these programs are your money .
3. Move
Make a reasonable program to reduce weight. If you live relatively close to the store, start once a day to go there on foot rather than car. Going to the mall? Before you go, do a few laps around it. If you have a car parked in the farthest possible place from what we normally use.
4. Spend your day at the computer?
Buy a set of ankle weights and do exercises to raise your legs while you are on the desk. Use the rest for lunch or for a walk. Go to work earlier than usual and his colleagues is a brisk walk. You need at least half an hour walking briskly daily to improve the condition of your heart and to benefit from exercise.
5. Reduce fat and sugar in food
Try to reduce the daily amount of fat you use. You'll be surprised if you find out how much sugar contains special coffee that you drink at work. Select a small cake or one that is made from sawdust, rather than get high. Avoid desserts. When you want to pamper yourself, head to the things that are not napalnyava. One day at the spa, a new pair of shoes. Anything that is not food, yet makes you feel good.
6. Make a habit of using whole grains
Eat with whole grains and fresh fruits. Try fruits unknown to you. Several times a week eat vegetarian food. Let your nipples breakfast food is whole grain and add milk. Add some raisins, dried fruit or nuts and create their own stereotype of this popular food.
7. Eat less
Plan what you will cook to eat and if you can cook in advance and freeze portions. Put them in small containers or bags made of foil. Stick to the amount of one rather than two servings.
8. Drink water
Give up alcohol and sugary soft drinks and drink water. Nowadays you can even buy flavored water, if you do not usually delicious. You can also flavor the water yourself and save some money. Add 15 to 30 grams per cup of flavored syrups with water of about 450 grams or just squeeze some lemon in it. To lose weight slowly put 1 tablespoon of honey and two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a clean jar with high water. Cover and shake well. Store in refrigerator, but during part of the food pour the mixture into a glass and drink a sip.
9. Decline of salad dressings, sauces and various dietary supplements
When to salad dressing is served, do not add. Instead of putting fat crackers in soup or salad, use rice cakes or thin Chinese noodles.
10. Frying is a very unhealthy
Instead, cooking, baking, stewing, use the grill, but quit for a while frying.
11. Eat a variety of
Instead of saying that you are on a diet say that eating healthy food. Let the portions are small, but experiment with different types of products that do not usually use. Try low-fat yogurt on toast and sprinkled with coconut. Replace the cream with yogurt.
12. Do not use diet pills
Even if you convinced that safe and effective, are likely to ultimately find that this is not so. An additional problem is that many diet pills react to certain drugs sold without a prescription - for example, a cough syrup.
Many people who want to lose weight is recorded in a weight loss program or make a subscription at the gym. Before you do, consider well whether you can fit classes into their daily schedule and whether you can afford them financially. Remember that in this case, engage in a written contract or agreement. Get as much information and select a plan that is feasible. When you reach your goal, do not forget to reward a job well done, but not with some kind of food!
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